Reseller – Chicago Business VoIP

UroPartners, the largest independent urology group in the Midwest, providing advanced urologic care by some of the most renowned physicians in the State of Illinois, sought to improve their phone system to enhance staff productivity and provide superior customer service.

Dissatisfied with their previous phone system provider, which lacked report options, limited support, and lacked important features such as separate call queues and programming options, the client turned to CBV for a more comprehensive solution.


  1. Inadequate Reporting: The previous phone system lacked robust reporting capabilities, hindering the client’s ability to monitor staff productivity and ensure efficient call handling for their patients.

  2. Limited Support: The client faced difficulties in receiving timely and effective support from their previous provider, causing frustration and delays in resolving issues.

  3. Lack of Customization: The absence of features such as separate call queues and programmable ring settings restricted the client’s ability to tailor their phone system to their specific requirements.


CBV, a leading provider of advanced phone systems, offered a comprehensive solution to address the client’s challenges and provide an improved user experience. By leveraging CBV’s advanced features and exceptional support, the client was able to achieve their desired outcomes.

Key Benefits:

  1. Daily Reports for Enhanced Productivity: The client greatly appreciated the daily reports provided by CBV’s phone system, enabling them to monitor staff productivity and ensure prompt call handling. This feature empowered them to optimize operations and minimize wait times for patients.

  2. Easy-to-Use Support: Unlike their previous provider, CBV offered a user-friendly support system accessible with the touch of a button on the client’s phone. This seamless support experience simplified issue resolution and reduced downtime.

  3. Flexible Call Routing and Programming: CBV’s phone system provided the client with the ability to set up separate call queues and program custom ring settings. This newfound flexibility allowed them to optimize call distribution and adapt the system to their unique needs.

Client Testimonial:

“When considering CBV, I would tell anyone that the company is responsive and helpful. From salespeople to the IT department, everyone at CBV is knowledgeable and ready to assist. The single biggest benefit for us is the daily reports, which enable us to monitor staff productivity and ensure our patients don’t wait too long for their calls to be answered. CBV’s support is as easy as pressing a single button on my phone, unlike our previous provider. The phone system’s flexibility and programming options make it easy to set up according to our needs.”


By partnering with CBV and implementing their advanced phone system, UroPartners successfully overcame the limitations of their previous provider. The daily reports, easy support access, and customizable features offered by CBV empowered the client to enhance staff productivity, improve customer service, and optimize their phone system according to their specific requirements. With CBV’s responsive and knowledgeable team, UroPartners experienced a significant improvement in their phone system performance and overall business operations.

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Dimensions Voice is a comprehensive cloud communication solution, that enables your business to work flexibly no matter the application, size or location

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Call Recording

Call recording is a must-have application for any organization. It enables quick and confident dispute resolution, as well as the option to review calls for training and monitoring purposes.

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